BOROUGH COUNCIL - Royal Borough of Windsor and Maidenhead (RBWM)
Your Ward Councillors represent you at the Royal Borough meetings and committees. The RBWM is a unitary authority with wide ranging responsibilities from pot holes, education, roads, waste collection, planning and so much more. You can contact them through your Ward Councillors or direct either by telephone (01628 683800} or through the website
Your Ward Councillors represent you at the Royal Borough meetings and committees. The RBWM is a unitary authority with wide ranging responsibilities from pot holes, education, roads, waste collection, planning and so much more. You can contact them through your Ward Councillors or direct either by telephone (01628 683800} or through the website
BRITISH SUGARCRAFT Sharing a love of sugarcraft with workshops and demonstrations.
All welcome regardless of ability, with experience to learn and enjoy the craft.
Meetings every third Saturday (except August) from 1400 to 1600 hours in WI Hall
For further information visit
All welcome regardless of ability, with experience to learn and enjoy the craft.
Meetings every third Saturday (except August) from 1400 to 1600 hours in WI Hall
For further information visit
DATCHET ART GROUP Meet at WI Hall, The Green
All welcome - interest and enthusiasm is all you need : Tuesdays 1000 - 1200 hrs
Contact Lesley West on 01784 482812 (mobile 07930 362403) or e-mail: [email protected]
All welcome - interest and enthusiasm is all you need : Tuesdays 1000 - 1200 hrs
Contact Lesley West on 01784 482812 (mobile 07930 362403) or e-mail: [email protected]

DATCHET BORDER MORRIS Group practice dancing at the WI Hall, The Green
Mondays at 2000 - 2200 hours
To join the group, or to book Morris Dancers for your own event go to the website
Visit [email protected]
Mondays at 2000 - 2200 hours
To join the group, or to book Morris Dancers for your own event go to the website
Visit [email protected]
DATCHET CRICKET CLUB 1st, 2nd, 3rd, & 4th XIs and Junior Academy
Wally Gate Memorial Ground, Riding Court Road, Datchet SL3 9JS
Contact: 01753 544 352 or Email: [email protected]
For further details visit
Wally Gate Memorial Ground, Riding Court Road, Datchet SL3 9JS
Contact: 01753 544 352 or Email: [email protected]
For further details visit
The Club organises The Dash in the Dark, a 10k night time trail race held in Black Park, and the Dasher's Relays, a 10k 2 person team race held in Home Park.
Any other queries regarding the club please e-mail Bryony Trafford-Smith [email protected]
The Club organises The Dash in the Dark, a 10k night time trail race held in Black Park, and the Dasher's Relays, a 10k 2 person team race held in Home Park.
Any other queries regarding the club please e-mail Bryony Trafford-Smith [email protected]
DATCHET FOLK DANCE Meet at WI Hall, The Green
All types of dance from elegant dances you might see in a period play to slightly more energetic folk.
Many members are 50+ but the dancing is suitable for all ages 9 - 90. Partners handy but not essential.
First Friday of the month 2000 - 2200 hours
For more information visit or call John on 01344 646391
Or just turn up - you will be very welcome
All types of dance from elegant dances you might see in a period play to slightly more energetic folk.
Many members are 50+ but the dancing is suitable for all ages 9 - 90. Partners handy but not essential.
First Friday of the month 2000 - 2200 hours
For more information visit or call John on 01344 646391
Or just turn up - you will be very welcome
DATCHET GOLF CLUB New members always welcome - Buccleuch Road, Datchet
Contact on 01753 543 887 or Email: [email protected]
Full details of membership and facilities visit
Contact on 01753 543 887 or Email: [email protected]
Full details of membership and facilities visit
The Government is encouraging all local communities to produce a Neighbourhood Plan
This will give us all the chance to have a say in Datchet's future development and growth but it needs village-wide participation and support
No Neighbourhood Plan does not mean no development, it means no control.
If you would like to discover more, or become involved in making the plan, visit
The Government is encouraging all local communities to produce a Neighbourhood Plan
This will give us all the chance to have a say in Datchet's future development and growth but it needs village-wide participation and support
No Neighbourhood Plan does not mean no development, it means no control.
If you would like to discover more, or become involved in making the plan, visit
Parish Councils should be an essential part of the structure of local democracy and work on behalf of the communities they represent. Inform the council of your views on, or concerns about, the village.
Parish Council meetings are open to the public and are held in Datchet Village Hall on the second Monday of each month, starting at 1930 hours.
For details of councillors and the work of the council visit
Parish Councils should be an essential part of the structure of local democracy and work on behalf of the communities they represent. Inform the council of your views on, or concerns about, the village.
Parish Council meetings are open to the public and are held in Datchet Village Hall on the second Monday of each month, starting at 1930 hours.
For details of councillors and the work of the council visit
DATCHET PLAYERS The local amateur theatre group founded over 50 years ago
New people always welcome - lots of things to do for a show, not all acting
Two major performances per year at Datchet Village Hall
Rehearsals take place on Mondays and Thursdays
Contact on 01753 861074 or email [email protected], or visit
New people always welcome - lots of things to do for a show, not all acting
Two major performances per year at Datchet Village Hall
Rehearsals take place on Mondays and Thursdays
Contact on 01753 861074 or email [email protected], or visit
DATCHET VILLAGE FOOTBALL CLUB The Thames Valley Sunday Football League
Home matches played on Sunday mornings at Datchet Recreation Ground.
Training every Thursday night at The Langley Academy from 2000 hrs
Contact 07939 147 538 or Email: [email protected] Or just go along to support your local team
Home matches played on Sunday mornings at Datchet Recreation Ground.
Training every Thursday night at The Langley Academy from 2000 hrs
Contact 07939 147 538 or Email: [email protected] Or just go along to support your local team
DATCHET VILLAGE SOCIETY Founded in 1997 to encourage interest in historical aspects of the village
Newsletters quarterly and visits to places of interest locally.
Researches village history, such as residents' involvement in WW1 - see website
For full information on meetings and organised events see
or contact Marjorie Clasper on 01753 545110
Newsletters quarterly and visits to places of interest locally.
Researches village history, such as residents' involvement in WW1 - see website
For full information on meetings and organised events see
or contact Marjorie Clasper on 01753 545110
THE DAY CENTRE Next to the Village Hall in Allen Way
Ladies Over 60s - Meet for tea and a chat, or whatever you decide : Tuesdays 1030 hrs - lunch time
Gents Over 60s - Meet for tea but maybe a bit less chat than the ladies : Fridays 1000 - 1200 hrs
You will be very welcome, the more the merrier. Just turn up to enjoy a warm sunny room and good company or
Contact Janet Robson on 01753 584546
Ladies Over 60s - Meet for tea and a chat, or whatever you decide : Tuesdays 1030 hrs - lunch time
Gents Over 60s - Meet for tea but maybe a bit less chat than the ladies : Fridays 1000 - 1200 hrs
You will be very welcome, the more the merrier. Just turn up to enjoy a warm sunny room and good company or
Contact Janet Robson on 01753 584546
FILM APPRECIATION SOCIETY Specially selected films old and new by Slough Film Society
Screenings on Tuesdays at 2000 hrs in Datchet Village Hall
All welcome - tickets available at the door
Contact Dudley Smithers on 01628 662808
Screenings on Tuesdays at 2000 hrs in Datchet Village Hall
All welcome - tickets available at the door
Contact Dudley Smithers on 01628 662808
The Parish Council is responsible for the implementation of the Datchet Flood Plan in an emergency, details of which can be found at the Parish Council web site
If you would like to volunteer as a Flood Warden please contact the Parish Clerk through the website or on 01753 773499.
For advice on many aspects of flooding check the Datchet Flood website
The Parish Council is responsible for the implementation of the Datchet Flood Plan in an emergency, details of which can be found at the Parish Council web site
If you would like to volunteer as a Flood Warden please contact the Parish Clerk through the website or on 01753 773499.
For advice on many aspects of flooding check the Datchet Flood website
Meet for tea and biscuits plus a chat on Mondays 1400 - 1600 hrs
Presentations and demonstrations arranged, with transport provided for those who need it
Contact: Barbara Rees on 01753 542304
Meet for tea and biscuits plus a chat on Mondays 1400 - 1600 hrs
Presentations and demonstrations arranged, with transport provided for those who need it
Contact: Barbara Rees on 01753 542304
Meetings take place at 7.45 in The Bridge on the third Thursday of the month. Visitors are always welcome.
Contact St Mary's Church for further information - 01753 580467 or email [email protected]
Meetings take place at 7.45 in The Bridge on the third Thursday of the month. Visitors are always welcome.
Contact St Mary's Church for further information - 01753 580467 or email [email protected]
Ballet and stretching to develop muscle strength and improve posture
Join with us in a friendly atmosphere on Tuesdays in W I Hall, 14.25 to 15.15
Contact Suzanne on 07985 520378 or email [email protected]
Ballet and stretching to develop muscle strength and improve posture
Join with us in a friendly atmosphere on Tuesdays in W I Hall, 14.25 to 15.15
Contact Suzanne on 07985 520378 or email [email protected]
Classes in a wide variety of dance, ballet to jazz
Contact on 01753 542672 / 07515 270432
For full details of classes and locations visit
Classes in a wide variety of dance, ballet to jazz
Contact on 01753 542672 / 07515 270432
For full details of classes and locations visit
SWAN RADIO Your local radio station : details on
The Club meet for dinner every Tuesday at 1930 hrs at The Manor Hotel, Datchet
Open to men and women of all ages who want to use their experience for the benefit of others
For more information visit
The Club meet for dinner every Tuesday at 1930 hrs at The Manor Hotel, Datchet
Open to men and women of all ages who want to use their experience for the benefit of others
For more information visit

ROYAL BRITISH LEGION Membership open to everyone with an interest in the objectives of the Legion
Meetings at 11:00 on the first Sunday of every month at The Royal Stag Public House, The Green, Datchet
Contact David Cannon Email - [email protected]
For objectives of the Legion and further information see website
To join the Legion online visit or call 0800 802 8080
Meetings at 11:00 on the first Sunday of every month at The Royal Stag Public House, The Green, Datchet
Contact David Cannon Email - [email protected]
For objectives of the Legion and further information see website
To join the Legion online visit or call 0800 802 8080
SHORT MAT BOWLS Every Thursday afternoon at the Village Hall, Allen Way
Everyone welcome to come along and give it a try. Bowling, but indoors so no problem with the weather.
Meet in the Village Hall at 1430 for a couple of hours play
For further information contact Tim Marshall on 01628 780363
Everyone welcome to come along and give it a try. Bowling, but indoors so no problem with the weather.
Meet in the Village Hall at 1430 for a couple of hours play
For further information contact Tim Marshall on 01628 780363
Audio version of news from the local newspapers. Volunteers make the recording and distribute to the visually impaired. Make contact with the General Manager if you would like to volunteer, or if you would like to receive the audio paper.
Contact by email [email protected] or call 07787 234272
Details of how to volunteer or receive the papers visit
Audio version of news from the local newspapers. Volunteers make the recording and distribute to the visually impaired. Make contact with the General Manager if you would like to volunteer, or if you would like to receive the audio paper.
Contact by email [email protected] or call 07787 234272
Details of how to volunteer or receive the papers visit

A community group working to improve biodiversity for the benefit of wildlife and local people.
It's free to join Wild About Datchet. Check the website to subscribe to a monthly newsletter and stay up to date with upcoming events and activities. You can opt out at any time.
View the website and contact details at Wild About Datchet
A community group working to improve biodiversity for the benefit of wildlife and local people.
It's free to join Wild About Datchet. Check the website to subscribe to a monthly newsletter and stay up to date with upcoming events and activities. You can opt out at any time.
View the website and contact details at Wild About Datchet
WOMEN'S INSTITUTE Meetings held in the WI Hall, The Green
Meetings start at 1400 hrs on third Wednesday of each month, except for the month of August
Further information from the President, Sue Griffin, 01753 529828
Meetings start at 1400 hrs on third Wednesday of each month, except for the month of August
Further information from the President, Sue Griffin, 01753 529828
Beavers, Cubs and Scouts: Datchet Scout HQ, Green Lane
Beavers (6 to 8 yrs) meet Tuesdays 1815 - 1915 hrs - Contact Sara on 07557 008478
Cubs (8 - 10 yrs) meet Mondays 1830 - 2000 hrs - Contact Robert on 07841 870651
Scouts (10 - 14 yrs) meet Tuesdays 1930 - 2100 hrs - Contact Paul on 07901 926254
General contact through
1st Datchet Sea Scouts: Boys and girls between the ages of 6 - 15 years
Sea Scout HQ, Ditton Manor, Ditton Park, Ditton Park Road, Langley SL3 7JF
Beavers (6 to 8 yrs) meet Thursday 1815 - 1930 hrs
Cubs (8 to 10 yrs) meet Wednesday 1845 - 2000hrs
Scouts (10 to 15 yrs) meet Friday 1930 - 2130 hrs
Contact details on the website at
2nd Datchet Brownies: For girls aged 7 to 11 years old
Email: [email protected]
Email: [email protected]
Youth Club: 5 Allen Way, behind the Village Hall
Activities include pool, table-tennis, Wii and X-Box 360, arts and crafts, indoor and outdoor games
Contact - Steven Rust on 07766 420662 or RBWM Youth Service general number on 01628 683964
Email : [email protected]
Activities include pool, table-tennis, Wii and X-Box 360, arts and crafts, indoor and outdoor games
Contact - Steven Rust on 07766 420662 or RBWM Youth Service general number on 01628 683964
Email : [email protected]